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Sunday, 05. May 2024
Tagebücher » Bunny_Hop | Archiv 2009-08-DD -
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viele gl. Ereignisse
2009-08-16 22:11
Prolongation Nightfall is far gone, but you don't care. The night is full of secrets and mysteries - or so you always thought. You are listening to the quiet burble of a fountain, that to be honest, doesn't really ... mehr»
Vor 15 Jahren - von Bunny_Hop (DE) - 2 Kommentare
2009-08-06 10:48
Day after day after day... Time elapses - sometimes more quickly than other times. It's about fun, feelings and all the things on your To-do list. The longer the list, the least time - naturally, of course. Every free day runs ... mehr»
Vor 15 Jahren - von Bunny_Hop (DE) - 2 Kommentare
2009-08-02 13:16
Inconclusive Another week is done, and weak is what you are. You feel your legs, your feet, every damn bone in your entire body which isn't meant to do such hard physical work. The boxes you have to lift over the ... mehr»
Vor 15 Jahren - von Bunny_Hop (DE) - 1 Kommentar

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Mitglied seit: 29.07.2005
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- 2009
- 08
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