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Tagebücher » Bunny_Hop | Archiv 2009-09-DD -
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2009-09-26 hh:mm
Reveleations He knows it - knows it all. He even knows more than you knew. He claims to have checked out the swing, but reality is - he hasn't. Just one guy got the pleasure of that 'tool' and that was the guy who ... mehr»
Vor 13 Jahren - von Bunny_Hop (DE) - 1 Kommentar
2009-09-21 hh:mm
Truth to be told Another weekend, another meeting - though meeting isn't the best word to describe what you've experienced. The word meeting is somehow interlinked to business, strangers and no fun, but you had fun, you ... mehr»
Vor 13 Jahren - von Bunny_Hop (DE) - Kommentieren
2009-09-15 hh:mm
Like a curse, like a charm You are back. But the one minute you arrive, the next - you leave. It was planned in advance - of course. Actually you had a date the minute he took off in the car, left you on the camp site in Italy. You've ... mehr»
Vor 13 Jahren - von Bunny_Hop (DE) - 1 Kommentar
2009-09-11 hh:mm
Italy What happens in Italy, stays in Italy. Or so you always thought,. It's ever been that way and should be for at least one more decade. Unless this time - because you can't just stay silent and put, pretend ... mehr»
Vor 13 Jahren - von Bunny_Hop (DE) - 1 Kommentar

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Mitglied seit: 29.07.2005
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- 2009
- 09
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+ 26

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