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viele gl. Ereignisse
2005-09-01 15:38
Meditationshandbuch: goldene Blüte Über das Meditationshandbuch: Das Geheimnis der goldenen BlüteNatürlichkeit wird der Weg genannt. Der Weg hat keinen Namen und keine Form; er ist das Wesentliche, einfach der ursprüngliche Geist. ... mehr»
Vor 19 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-27 18:29
the society is neurotic The child is not allowed to taste freedom. If the child asks the mother, "Mom, can I go outside? The sun is beautiful and the air is very crisp and I would like to run around the block," immediately -- ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-24 21:42
the taoistic crime The old farmer, plowing his fields with a pair of bulls, was asked by a neighbor why he did not use oxen. "I don't want to use oxen," replied the farmer, "I want to use bulls." "Well," continued the neighbor, ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-22 21:53
you are receiving from Tao Remember Jesus: he was passing through a crowd. A poor woman, an ill woman, rushed behind him and touched his garments. And she was healed -- immediately, instantly, so deep was her trust. She had come ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-20 20:01
Alltagspech Alltagspech, unter verschiedenen Blickwinkeln gesehen Taoismus: Shit happens Buddhism: If shit happens, it's not real shit. Islam: If shit happens, it's the will of Allah. Protestantism: Shit happens ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-19 22:11
Literaturempfehlung Scholz, W. (1994): Taoismus und Hypnose. Der Weg Milton H. Ericksons. Augsburg: AV-Verlag. Das Buch beschäftigt sich eigentlich nicht in erster Linie mit Taoismus, auch nicht mit Hypnose als solcher, ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-17 21:48
A Modern Craft Fairy-Tale Once upon a time, there were two Witches. One was a Feminist Witch and the other was a Traditionalist Witch. And, although both of them were deeply religious, they had rather different ideas about what ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-16 20:16
Everybody is uncentred Everybody is uncentred but people don't know. And when you don't know you think you are centred. When you start knowing what centering is, when you start feeling what centering should be, then the problem ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-15 22:59
misery and bliss Misery is human, bliss is divine. Animals are unaware of both; they are neither miserable nor blissful, they are living in a kind of deep sleep. Man has awakened a little bit, just a small part of his ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-11 12:35
about Gandhi In India, baniya, "businessman," is exactly what you mean by a Jew. India has its own Jews. They are not Jews, they are baniyas. Mahatma Gandhi appeared to be only a businessman. But he never lied; even ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren

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