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Sunday, 12. May 2024
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viele gl. Ereignisse
2007-02-05 22:41
the presence of the cancer Colorectal cancer can grow for years before causing any symptoms. Knowing what to look out for can't hurt. The presence of a tumor in your bowel throws things off. As your body tries to adjust to its ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-12-26 23:36
declaring himself the new prophet Have you heard the famous anecdote? In Baghdad it happened: A man declared, in the days of Caliph Omar, "I am the real prophet. After Mohammed I have been sent to the world." Of course, Mohammedans cannot ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-12-19 23:36
'WHAT DO YOU THINK Buddha says: THE LORD ASKED: 'WHAT DO YOU THINK, SUBHUTI, IS THERE ANY DHAMMA WHICH THE TATHAGATA HAS LEARNED FROM DIPANKARA?'? He is asking, "Have I learned anything from Dipankara?" There is nothing ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-12-07 23:44
because there are so many problems A case was put against Osho, that he had hurt the religious feelings of the Hindus. In the court there were many problems. The first was that Osho was asked to take the oath in the name of God or in the ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-12-06 00:22
IT IS BETTER TO FEED ONE ARHAT His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people. HH the Dalai Lama was born in a small village called Takster in north-eastern Tibet in 1935 ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-11-20 20:14
There is a Sufi story That's meditativeness: Meditate on every state of mind so you can achieve the witness. Meditation is the way of detaching your witness from moods which go on passing. There is a Sufi story.... A king ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-11-11 22:26
They are complementary Once there were two men who ate exactly the same food, but one had two bowls while the other had only one. The man with two bowls divided his food into bitter and sweet, and put only the bitter in one ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-10-26 17:52
few individuals have moved The Yin-Yang symbol is at the heart of the Taoist tradition. It is the magical, mystical alchemical circle that embodies the teachings of Taoist Philosophy. Lao Tzu seems to be the way out for Jews and ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-09-29 23:15
dancing round the centre The day the inner flute begins playing -- in fact the day it is heard, because it is constantly playing; you pay a little attention to it and it is heard -- that is it! All your senses forget all about ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-09-14 03:30
that glimpse disappears In small things of life.... You are eating, you know your appetite is gone, and you continue to eat. Watch. Greed is there. Now you are not eating out of hunger; you are eating out of greed. One day in ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren

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