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Tagebücher » tao | Archiv YYYY-MM-17 -
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viele gl. Ereignisse
2015-12-17 02:29
Lachen macht frei Das Leben kann bloß zum Lachen sein und nichts sonst. In meinem Leben ist schon so viel zum Lachen gewesen, dass sich in mir keine Staubschicht gebildet hat, obwohl meine ganze Wohnung staubig ist, ... mehr»
Vor 8 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2013-12-17 01:38
I let my trust arise     So, whenever I am not doing anything, sitting silently, I just close my eyes and listen to it. I leave everything in the background and become totally attentive to it. It will become more ... mehr»
Vor 10 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2008-08-17 19:02
sprechen wir auch von Fernsehsucht Wir leben in einer Suchtgesellschaft, leider vermehren sich auch die verschiedenen Arten von Sucht. Das triebhafte Begehren hat es zwar zu allen Zeiten gegeben: Von Trunksicht berichten schon die altrömischen ... mehr»
Vor 16 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-07-17 19:42
the possible location of Atlantis From ancient times, scholars have written books about Atlantika, the mysterious island that according to Plato’s dialogues Timaeus and Critias was submerged in the span ‘of a single day and night’. ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-02-17 00:13
you cannot reach Kabir sings: I HAVE TO LET GO THE PROTECTIVE CLOTHES... ... all the defence measures, all the armours that you are carrying around yourself. One has to be in utter trust. One has to be ready to die -- ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-01-17 20:49
You will find hell full of genius If there is a hell, then that is the place. It is going to be really juicy there! All the film actors, all the film actresses.... Everything that you wanted here will be available there -- all the people ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2005-07-17 22:58
About Vincent van Gogh His whole life van Gogh was just giving his paintings to friends: to the hotel where he used to eat four days a week he would present a painting, or to a prostitute who had said once to him that he was ... mehr»
Vor 19 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2005-04-17 12:29
Woman can rise higher than man Man has tortured woman for centuries -- made her feel inferior in every way. Woman can rise higher than man. She has far finer qualities. When you are repressed for centuries and suddenly you get power, ... mehr»
Vor 19 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-17 21:48
A Modern Craft Fairy-Tale Once upon a time, there were two Witches. One was a Feminist Witch and the other was a Traditionalist Witch. And, although both of them were deeply religious, they had rather different ideas about what ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-07-17 22:40
Alchemie und Medizin Das Deutungsschema, womit Universum, Erde und Leib in einen kosmischen Zusammenhang gebracht werden, ist die alte, in der Alchemie dann systematisierte Korrespondenzenlehre von Mikro- und Makrokosmos. ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren

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