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Tagebücher » tao | Archiv 2004-MM-27 -
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viele gl. Ereignisse
2004-12-27 23:56
This life is really nothing but a dream Anybody would be in trouble in such a situation: your woman making love to somebody else -- in front of you. Anybody would go berserk, would kill or be killed. But this is a shock that can be used. You ... mehr»
Vor 19 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-10-27 13:32
Taoistic Tantra There are two traditions of tantra -- one is Hindu, another is Buddhist. In the Buddhist tradition tara is the name of the tantra goddess. And every Buddhist tantrika has to practise the idea of the goddess ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-10-27 00:27
What is probably wrong with whole global Human activities are responsible, according serious experts only for about 20 percent share of warming and due to it for ocean level rises. What is source of rest of warming on Earth, but also on Mars ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-27 18:29
the society is neurotic The child is not allowed to taste freedom. If the child asks the mother, "Mom, can I go outside? The sun is beautiful and the air is very crisp and I would like to run around the block," immediately -- ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-08-27 03:18
Gedicht aus dem Taoismus Das innere Licht ist jenseits von Lob und Tadel. Wie der Raum kennt es keine Grenzen und ist doch auch hier in uns, stets seine Ruhe und Fülle bewahrend. Es ist nur, wenn Du ihm nachjagst, daß Du es ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-07-27 23:59
tao Tao is totality. Totality is not perfect, it is always imperfect -- because it is always alive. Perfection is always dead -- anything that becomes perfect is dead. How can it live? How can it live when ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-07-27 02:50
truth is not a dogma The moment you destroy doubt you have destroyed something of immense value in man, because it is doubt which is going to help man to enquire and find. You have cut the very root of enquiry; now there ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren

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71 Jahre, DE mehr...
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