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Monday, 06. May 2024
Tagebücher » tao | Archiv 2004-MM-24 -
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viele gl. Ereignisse
2004-10-24 22:24
iintelligence to put things together You need not go outside to look for anything; all that you need has been given to you from the very beginning. But things are upside-down. It is like a jigsaw puzzle; there is a solution to it -- just ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-10-24 13:58
The meaning of trust Trust is the culmination of love. The meaning of trust is, faith that what has not yet happened will happen. Trust awakens from what has already happened. There is such beauty in this universe, there ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-09-24 21:42
the taoistic crime The old farmer, plowing his fields with a pair of bulls, was asked by a neighbor why he did not use oxen. "I don't want to use oxen," replied the farmer, "I want to use bulls." "Well," continued the neighbor, ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-08-24 01:54
pseudoreligion or religiousness Hindus and Jews are established. Christians, Mohammedans, Buddhists are not established. They try to convert people; but in their conversion, deep down what is going on? The established religion has a ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-07-24 01:52
east and west Western development is childish compared to Eastern development. It begins in Greece. But even a man like Socrates, who was neither denying God nor affirming God, who was simply saying that, "I have not ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-07-24 01:46
ko hsuan and lao dsi Nothing is known about Ko Hsuan, nothing at all. Hence for at least a few centuries it had been thought that these words belonged to Lao Tzu. But Lao Tzu has a different way of speaking, a totally different ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren

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