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2005-02-11 17:13
everything is formless,
It needs a radical change in our consciousness, a totally new kind of consciousness: alert, aware, meditative, loving. These are the foundations which will make you able to see. You will not become more informed but you will become totally transformed.
Religious work is not to inform you but to transform you. And that's what Taoism is all about.

In the past religions have been destroying the beauty of life, they have been anti-life. They have taught people how to be sad; all their practices are to make people serious and sad. This has been a pathological history, and because of this, millions of people turned away from religion. It was natural. The intelligent people became anti-religious because they could not see the point of being anti-life. Only mediocre and stupid people became anti-life; hence religion has remained in the domain of fools.
Taoistic effort is to transform the very quality of religion, to make it a song, a celebration, a multi-dimensional celebration of life, and existence, of love, of beauty, of poetry, of painting, of dance, of all that is beautiful, of all that enhances creativity.
Taoists have to become creators of beauty, singers, mad singers, ecstatic dancers. Only then is religion true and the approach towards God valid; otherwise our approach towards God is pathological. It is not healthy, it is not whole, it is not wholesome.

God is formless and so are you, and so is everybody! The form is an illusion; it is imposed by our limited senses. It is as if you look out of a window and the frame of the window gives a frame to the sky. The sky has no frame, it is unlimited, but because you are standing behind a window, your window-frame becomes a frame for the sky, at least for the sky that you see.
If you think that the frame of the window is the frame of the sky you are living in an illusion. Our eyes are windows, so are our senses: they give forms to things.
In fact everything is formless, and to understand the formless is to understand God. God is nothing but another name for this formlessness.


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2005-02-11 17:13