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2005-02-11 16:45
"To be or not to be" is the question
Seeking is a desire. With the desire comes in the mind -- mind is nothing but desire. Seeking is in the future, and the future is not. Truth is always present, always present. Truth is always now; there is no other way for truth to be. You cannot say about truth, "Truth was," and you cannot say about truth, "Truth will be." That will be absolutely wrong. Truth IS -- and it is always so, and it will be always so, and it has always been so. Truth IS.
How can you seek that which is? One seeks that which is not yet. Seeking is in the future. Seeking assumes it, that it is not here. You seek money, you seek power, you seek prestige, you seek heaven; but how can you seek truth? That's why, seeking, you go astray. Seeking, you become a victim of desire. Seeking, the mind becomes predominant. Seeking, the secondary becomes primary and the primary is lost track of.
And I say if YOU find it you have not found it at all. Because if YOU remain to find it, then it cannot be truth. Truth is found only when you are not. When truth is, you are not. You both cannot be present together. You are the greatest lie there is. If you are still there, then you will go on missing the truth. The very presence of you functions as a barrier. "I" cannot find; when the "I" is not there it is found.
That's why Picasso's statement is a half-truth. Half of it is true: "I do not seek." But that half is untrue when he says, "I find." It looks almost Zenlike, but it is not. A half-truth is more dangerous than a plain lie because you can see the lie as the lie sooner or later, but the half-truth can go on pretending to be the whole truth; at least it appears like the truth. Many have been deceived by Picasso's statement. It is almost Zen: "I do not seek, I find."
If he had said, "I do not seek, and it is found," it would have been Zen. If the "I" remains, then truth will remain clouded. The "I" functions as a cloud, and the sun goes behind. The "I" functions as a darkness, as a vale of darkness. The "I" is very noisy, and the voice of truth is very small, still. If the "I" is there beating its drums, then it is almost impossible to hear the whispering of truth.
Yes, truth is a whisper. You feel it only when you are absolutely not. In your absence it is present.
So this is the whole thing: if you are present, truth is absent; if you are absent, truth is present. To be absent is all that meditation is. To be absent is all that is involved in meditation.
How to become absent? How not to be? Yes, "To be or not to be" is the question. And ordinarily we decide to be. The moment we decide to be, the samsara. The moment we decide not to be, the nirvana.


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2005-02-11 16:45