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Tagebuch tao
2005-12-14 21:09
the bull is your father
The most strange thing is that all this homosexuality is produced by Christians and other religions themselves. One very well-known bishop was going to be arrested because so many parents have reported that he has been having sexual relationships with small children. In fact it is very difficult for poor bishops, popes, not to be homosexual. You don't allow them to come closer to women. And sending these priests to teach about God, about responsibilities towards religion, nation, family, is dangerous. All your priests have to be very carefully tested because most probably they are all homosexuals -- they have no other way. They should be kept away from children as much as possible. But parents are taking their children to the priests, priests are going to the schools to teach religion; and these are dangerous people. The taoistic idea of education is that it should help you get rid of all beliefs, because all beliefs are hindrances in your journey towards truth. You should be freed from Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Mohammedanism. By the time you come out of the university you should be simply a human being, responsible to yourself and to the whole universe. But George W. Bush would not like that, that you are responsible towards the whole universe, because the universe includes the Terrorists too. The universe includes Hindus, Buddhists, Mohammedans. No, to him the fundamentalist Christians are the only people who know the truth; everybody else is wrong. So when he talks about values, hidden behind the beautiful word "values" he wants every educational system to teach you the values that fundamentalist Christians think are right. Certainly George W. Bush will not teach vegetarianism. In his values, vegetarianism cannot be included. He will not teach everybody that the cow is your mother and of course, the bull is your father. But if a Hindu priest teaches values, the cow is the mother. Then he will teach totally different things -- that cow dung is holy.... That's why all bullshit is spiritual. If cow dung is holy, then what about your father, the bull? Bullshit is holier. He is not going to teach the values that Mohammedans think are values. Mohammedans say that each man has the right to have four wives. And the duty of the wife and the responsibility for the woman is simple: to go on producing children and keep your husband happy, satisfied sexually. That is the whole religion for the woman... in a way simple. No other discipline, no other ritual -- just keep your husband sexually fulfilled and go on producing children, because God wants the whole world to become Mohammedan. And obviously a man with four wives will create more children than a man with only one wife. Mohammedans say that she can do these two things, then the woman automatically enters into paradise; nothing else has to be bothered about. But your husband is your master and you are a slave -- this is a Mohammedan value.


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2005-12-14 21:09