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Tagebuch Innocent
2004-06-02 23:10
Scare Tactics

Honestly I’m scared of my own in some way - because it actually scares me, to know and to feel that I couldn’t live without her. I really miss her like crazy in every single second she’s not next to me. And honestly, I’m scared that I could never feel this way for another person again. That she’s actually the only one.
There are so many moments in which I remember her and former actions and former days just because she’s not there in that moment.
Today for example, I thought of her dancing practise last Sunday so, so many times, just because I’ve been in the same room. And because I saw her “footsteps” on the floor.
I remembered, that she looked really beautiful, that her dancing was awesome, and that I was so proud of her in some way - just because of the same room.




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2004-06-02 23:10