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Tagebuch twenty4seven
2008-08-20 22:00
american beauty




10:03 21.08.2008
it was strange because ive never seen the movie...and i kinda thought you wrote that yourself...thats all.
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01:20 21.08.2008
why would you feel strange?
hope, it was not because of me
told you it was one of my favourite movies...

schau es dir an


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00:50 21.08.2008
yeah...you know...sure i do. ive never seen the film so it was a little strange finding the clip but...its always great just watching it and thinking...YES! EXACTLY! anyway...
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23:39 20.08.2008
It was one of those days
where it's a minute away
from snowing and there was
this electricity in the air
You can almost hear it.
And this bag was just...
dancing with me,
like a little kid begging me
to play with it,
for 15 minutes.
That's the day I realised
that there was this
entire life behind things
and this incredibly
benevolent force
that wanted me to know
that there was no reason
to be afraid...ever.
I need to remember.
Sometimes there's so much
beauty in the world.
I feel like I can't take it
and my heart is just going
to cave in...

kennst du es noch? ;)

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22:41 20.08.2008
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22:40 20.08.2008
natürlich is die szene toll...das war auch nich so gemeint...hmm
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22:35 20.08.2008
Kann leon nur zustimmen.
Geniale Musik - geniale Szene - genialer Film.
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22:25 20.08.2008
Wieso ?
Das ist eine tolle Szene. Super Film!
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2008-08-20 22:00