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2017-07-05 05:43
Why does the laser light become the future direction?

Today, more and more home appliance manufacturers began to move closer to the laser TV product front, with a series of brand depth, but also to the laser projection has gradually been the attention of consumer groups. For some love movies, family space is well-off family, building a home theater is no longer a dream. Throughout the projector market, we can find that its light source is divided into three categories, namely, light bulbs, LED light source and 4000mw laser pointer light source, then what are the differences between the three types of light source? Why do most industry people regard laser projection as a future product of the projector?


Throughout the market, we can find that different forms of light source to achieve the development in different areas, for example, the traditional light bulbs currently applicable to a wide range of the market is still a large proportion of commercial and household areas occupy a small share of the laser light source can So that ultra-high brightness, for digital cinema and other fields of expertise and engineering, and LED light source is mainly used in entertainment, mini portable projection equipment and other fields.


The essence of traditional light source is mainly high pressure mercury lamp and xenon lamp, is the development of the longest time, more mature technology projection light source. Applicable to a wide range, covering the home, business, engineering and education and other fields. Is the projector on the market a higher proportion of the light source. Basically in the classroom and the conference room to see the projector are traditional light source products.


Traditional light source of high brightness, up to tens of thousands of lumens. There is a lot of room to adjust in terms of color and make it adaptable. The most important thing is that the price is low and the cost is reduced to a large extent. At present, the traditional light source is mainly used in the basic products and high-end products, high-end products mainly because of its color performance is good, so in the high-end home theater bulb light source products exist.


However, the traditional light source has a fatal weakness: short life. Under normal use of the light bulb light source life is generally concentrated in 4000-6000 hours or so, compared with other light sources a lot worse. The attenuation of the traditional light bulb in use will make the image darker (such as brightness attenuation, color saturation contrast reduction, etc.), for cinemas such high demand places, had to replace the lamp for this, which also caused The cost of late maintenance is high.


LED light source projector development time is also very long, its special body is smaller, portability, and easy to use. At present, the performance of LED light projector has reached the level of high-definition, the mainstream LED light source projector to hundreds of lumens high-definition projector-based, has been recognized by many users for small business, personal entertainment to bring great convenience. As the LED light source imaging structure is more simple, effectively reducing the size of the projector and power consumption, so that LED light source projector more portable. At the same time LED light source life is longer, generally in the tens of thousands of hours, in the color gamut performance is also very prominent.


From a theoretical point of view, the use of 3000mw laser pointer light source projector can be far greater than the traditional light source color space, the color performance is higher than the traditional light source projector. At the same time, the traditional projector in the use of the process will produce brightness attenuation, color saturation, reduced contrast and so on, so that the output image quality and new projector compared to greatly reduced. The use of laser light source of the projector due to the low attenuation characteristics of the light source makes its output quality long-term high brightness, color saturation and contrast, the screen color is always bright as new.


In the long run, because the laser projection technology is used by many manufacturers in the industry, its production cost and price barrier will be reduced to a range that can be accepted by ordinary users in a certain period of time. Taking into account the late maintenance costs and product performance results, the 5000mw laser pointer projector is home theater is the best weapon.

However, the brightness is the biggest drawback of LED light source projector, it is always difficult to break. Because the LED light source technology bottleneck is also more obvious, the green LED light frequency is low, the heat problem is more prominent, coupled with the cost is also more expensive, so bright LED micro projector has been difficult to appear.


Laser light source can be said that the most attention in recent years, the projection light source. In the past two years, the laser light source has gradually moved from the professional field to the daily life field. On the current overall situation, whether it is the traditional business and education market, or the limelight Sheng project and home market, laser light source there is great potential. As yesterday, rice is also involved in the field of laser TV, launched a 150-inch laser TV products.


The choice of laser light source, may be due to the laser light source with wavelength selectivity and high spectral brightness, you can synthesize the human eye to see the natural color of more than 90% of the color gamut coverage, to achieve the perfect color reproduction. At the same time, the laser light source has a high brightness and long service life, greatly reducing the maintenance costs of the latter. At the same time, the laser projector is almost instantaneous start, instantly reach the work brightness, so the laser light projector are seen as a fast switch machine. While the traditional light bulb need to work for a period of time to achieve a stable working temperature, and shut down the same time to heat, switch machines are more time-consuming.


However, due to technical and cost issues, RGB three-color laser cost is too high, the current market, the general price of laser light products is too high, the popularity is not very good, short-term want to replace the traditional light source and LED light source is impossible. However, the 1000mw laser pointer light source must be the future development of the inevitable trend of projection light, with the continuous innovation of technology, laser light source will soon be popular in the projection industry, the price is no longer a hindrance to the development of the industry problems.









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2017-07-05 05:43