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2007-12-23 00:12
what is the distinction

The child is the most courageous being. As he grows in age, in experience, he starts becoming cowardly, he becomes calculating. He thinks twice before he takes any step, and when you think too much you never take any step. Very calculative people remain stuck their whole lives. They never move because each movement creates fear in them -- and this is the greatest movement.
Go joyously into life. And don't be worried what is the distinction between an empty space, a negative space, and a space that is positive, fulfilling. Don't be bothered. This is how the mind starts calculating, this is how the mind starts functioning. There is no need -- you are on the right track.
Wherever you feel a paradox happening, remember, that is the criterion that you are on the right track. If you don't come across a paradox you must have missed somewhere, you are moving in a wrong direction.


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2007-12-23 00:12