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2017-01-03 11:49
What is the difference between UV laser and infrared laser?

Infrared laser and ultraviolet laser is the most widely used two kinds of laser, then what is the difference between these two laser processing? How to choose the laser marking with higher requirements? The wavelength of the infrared YAG laser is 1.06 m, which is the most widely used laser pointer source. However, many plastics and a large number of special polymers (such as polyimide) used as flexible circuit board substrate materials can not be processed by infrared or heat treatment.


Because of the "hot" make the plastic deformation, carbonization form damage in cutting or drilling on the edge, may lead to the weakening and parasitic conduction pathway structural, and have to increase the number of subsequent treatment process to improve the machining quality. Therefore, the infrared laser is not suitable for the processing of some flexible circuits. In addition, even at high energy density, the wavelength of the infrared high power laser pointer can not be absorbed by the copper, which is more stringent limits its scope of use.


The output wavelength of UV laser is less than 0.4 m, which is the main advantage of polymer materials. Unlike infrared processing, UV processing is essentially not a thermal process, and it is easier for most materials to absorb ultraviolet light than to absorb infrared 300mw laser pointer light. High energy ultraviolet photons directly destroy the molecular bonds on the surface of many non-metallic materials, and the parts processed by this kind of "cold" etching technology have smooth edges and minimum carbonization.


Moreover, the mechanical properties of short wavelength UV itself on metal and polymer micro processing advantages. It can be focused to sub micron level points, so the processing can be fine components, even when the pulse energy level is not high, can also obtain the energy density is high, effectively materials processing, application of micro hole in the industrial sector has been quite extensive, there are two main forms:


First, the use of infrared laser: the material surface of the material to heat and vaporize (Zheng Fa), in order to remove the material, this method is often referred to as hot processing. The main use of YAG laser (wavelength 1.06 m). Two is the use of ultraviolet UV 5mw laser pointer: high energy photons direct damage to the molecular bond many non metal material surface, the molecules from the object, this way does not produce high heat, it is called cold processing, mainly by UV laser (wavelength 355nm).


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2017-01-03 11:49