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2004-10-09 19:49
I really just can’t believe it…
For more than 24 hours I tried to reach her… - I called her… I wrote her… and I was waiting and waiting and waiting… and there was just nothing…! I really worried about her! I had no idea what’s going on! And actually, it was Friday night… and I was just sitting at home… - lonesome - … and was waiting for her call…!
I wrote her a message and asked her last evening, if everything’s alright and what she’s gonna do at night and what’s about going out… - of course, she didn’t answer!
A few hours later, I called her… I was pretty sure, that she wouldn’t answer her mobile… and I was completely right! I wrote her again, and I was like: “Ähm… Hello…?! Are you alright…?!”… - no answer!! I really couldn’t stand it and I just had to call her again, just in order to try to hear her voice… - without success! - even midnight has already passed by… - Friday night…!!!

Today I just tried to call her, coz we had to ask her because of E.. birthday present…but again, she didn’t answer her moblile… - but that was kinda alright, coz I knew that she had to be in the dancing school at that time, so…!
But than, a few hours later, I wrote her a message to ask her about tonight: “When will you meet the others tonight?! When will you be there?!” … - nothing!!

I was really almost going crazy, coz I just didn’t know what’s going on…
So, I really had to call her again… I just had to try to reach her…
So, I called her… and … actually … suddenly there was her voice - honestly I didn’t expect it anymore..!
>>Hey it’s me…!>Sorry, I’m in the dancing school… since yesterday… I even haven’t been at home…! I’m gonna call you … - sometime!!>Are you kidding…?! But… alright..!




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2004-10-09 19:49