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2006-09-02 21:35
use good fortune
If you remain quiet, people will have nothing to be confused about
Don't play the angles, and prosperity will be the norm
Don't impose your desires, and no one will conform or rebel
Government is only sincere when it has no end in mind
Let it be discriminating and clear, and it will be cunning and sly
It uses disaster to create its own good fortune
Uses good fortune to conceal the disasters it creates
Who knows where this can lead?
When nothing is constant anymore
The natural is transformed into the deviant
The good is twisted into the evil
And the confusion will last for generations
Bring order, but don't mould people to fit
Be conscientious, but not stifling
Be direct, but not aggressive
Be bright, but only bright enough that others can see their own way
If you would lead men and follow the way
It's good to be sparing in your actions
For only by being sparing can you submit early to the way
And this is how to accumulate virtue
When you accumulate virtue in this way
There is no obstacle you can't overcome
Without obstacles, no one can predict your downfall
Thus you can possess the state
Being one with the way of the state like this
Creates deep roots and a firm base
And leads to long life and lasting work


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2006-09-02 21:35