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2005-02-15 22:56
positive experiences with ET´s

Charles (caohearon@eresmas.net) about his positive experiences with ET´s:

I must admit that my experience as a child with ET's were very positive. For many years, I believed that I had dreamed a wonderful experience, linked to my having have seen a ufo at approximately 10 feet away from me.
The 'cigar shaped' vehicle flew over me as I was cleaning a small swimming pool we had in our back yard. I was conscious that if I pointed the water hose at the ship I had enough pressure to wet the ship. I can't remember if there was a nozzle on the hose or not and the ship continued flying eastward.
I was 7 years old, more or less, in the same era that Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon and made his famous speech, 'One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind'. I remember that flying tube very well and one Christmas and about three or four years ago I brought up the subject. To my surprise, my mother saw it too ..... but much more. Her sister, my aunt, was there and saw it too but not once ..... many times. Now my aunt is very superstitious even today and she says that when she saw the ship appear she'd go into the house and didn't want to see more. She doesn't even like to talk about the subject, she seems very afraid even now.
Yet my mother told me a lot more than I could imagine; how she would see the people inside the ship through the windows and, to my astonishment, she started to tell me of my dream - a dream I have not shared with anyone, much less my mother. Apparently, it was not a dream:
They, the people inside the ship, were of short height like children and they would come play with me, a lot like the young abductee on the movie Close Encounters, which reminds me of my case.
Back then we lived in the middle of the woods in Georgia and our closest neighbors where about a mile away. It was very normal for me to feel alone, with nobody to play with. My sister is two years younger and we weren't always playing together for we had different games and likings.
My mother says that when she noticed they were not going to hurt me she lost all fear and took it as other children that would come over to play with me. That's what I dreamed, what my mother saw, but my dreams go a bit further, things my mother didn't see and they're as alive in my mind as a beautiful dream. Did this occur in real life, or did my mind flow on with more beautiful dreams? Those memories of voluntarily going with them into their ship, flying over the moon's surface without landing, flying over Mars' surface, also without landing. Faintly remembering that on the inner walls of the canyon-like forms of the Martian canals there are cities, placed in such manner they cannot be seen from above. Or is this part a slight memory of some cartoon or movie?
But what really gets me is those memories more than dreams, but yet in a dream-like manner and I say this, because this is stronger in my mind: Those long hours of wonderful conversation I had with them, things I could remember back then but I can't remember now; hours of talking without moving our mouths, yet we communicated. I understood them, they understood me, like sharing thoughts but conversing.
Today I'm a 41 year old government worker, a very forgetful person to the extent that I feel that my forgetfulness is not normal. Or did they do something to my mind to make me forget those conversations, and that forgetfulness has gotten a bit more out of hand ? I don't know, this is just speculation. But I do miss those times of happiness, of youth and I miss those friends.
In my life I have seen various strange things, ghosts, poltergeist experience, many things and once I read that this is normal in most people who had a ufo experience. That helped me a lot, not that I thought something was wrong with me, due to some of those ghosts. I wasn't the only eyewitness but it did explain the great coincidences in my life.
I have many stories I could share, but lots of time would be needed for this. I'm very interested in things that have to do with the paranormal and in a way it seems that I'm always looking for them. I visit a town and hear of a haunted house, I want to visit that house and so on. The strange thing about me is afterwards, I always look for plausible reasons for things. Not that I don't believe, because I do, but many things do have a logical explanation and some people don't want to see it.
I'm not looking for fame or anything of the kind, in fact I would like to remain anonymous but perhaps in writing this I can help someone else in some way. I don't think all 'angels' are there to hurt, many are there to help.
I don't know if this idea comes from them or not, though I have a great feeling it does: 'Mankind is not ready for great inventions, or discoveries, for all has to be applied to war and mass destruction, hence nuclear dynamics.'


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2005-02-15 22:56