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2005-02-20 14:49
Mindfulness is still intelligence
Meditation is not mindfulness.
Meditation is a state of no-mind.
Mindfulness is still intelligence. You can be highly intelligent -- that does not mean that you know meditation. A great contemporary British philosopher, C.E.M. Joad, was very much disturbed by the ideas of George Gurdjieff and his disciple, P.D. Ouspensky. He was sick, and he was reading P.D. Ouspensky's book on the teachings of Gurdjieff. He was one of the great philosophers of the century.
Joad told one of his friends, "I hear Ouspensky is in London, but I am not in a good enough condition to go and talk to him. The doctors say I should rest in bed. But I cannot wait, because it may be that I am just counting my last days, any day may be the end. Can you go to Ouspensky and tell him my situation... and if he can come, it will be very kind of him. I want to talk to him, because I don't understand what this no-mind is. Beyond mind, I cannot understand there is anything."
Joad had worked his whole life with the mind, and he knew what the mind was, but he had never gone beyond the boundary. "In fact," he said to the friend, "the people who go beyond the mind go into an insane asylum. We say mad people are `out of their mind.' And this strange man Gurdjieff goes on talking about no-mind. You go and persuade Ouspensky! Perhaps, knowing my name, he may come."
Ouspensky came, and Joad said to him, "I cannot understand at all what this no-mind is. I can understand mind, I can even understand mindfulness, but no-mind is simply beyond my conceivability."
Ouspensky said, "It is a very simple matter. I am sitting here. You just close your eyes and remember one thing: whatever is going before your inner eye is the mind, and the presence in front of which the mind is passing is the no-mind."
Joad had never done any such thing. He closed his eyes... a half hour passed, one hour passed, and his face was looking so silent, so serene. Ouspensky had some other appointment, so he had to wake him up. He told him, "I am sorry to disturb you -- you were going really deep."
And Joad said, "I am immensely grateful. I cannot express my gratitude... I had never thought about the possibility that I can watch the mind; that certainly means I am not the mind. The watcher is certainly different from the watched. And rather than explaining it to me intellectually, you gave me the experience itself. It was so beautiful and so silent. These last days, staying in bed, I have nothing else to do. I am going to continue watching my mind.
"Perhaps Gurdjieff is right, and perhaps the Eastern mystics are right. And this is the right time for me. If I can get away from the mind into myself, into my witnessing, into my watching -- what they call no-mind -- perhaps I will go from life not feeling that I lived meaninglessly."
After just ten days he died. But before his death, he dictated to his secretary a small statement to be delivered to George Gurdjieff and to Ouspensky. He said, "I am dying with great gratitude -- you showed me the way. Now death does not matter, now nothing matters. I have tasted something of the beyond, of the eternal. Mind was the barrier. I was thinking mind is all that we have, but I never thought that mind is just an instrument, like any other instrument."


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2005-02-20 14:49