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2005-07-28 23:33
Mein Fundstück des Tages 28.07.05
Welcher Drink bist du?

--> jetzt testen http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/drink_quiz.asp

Ach nö, das trifft nicht so zu…


23:53 28.07.2005
genialer link! mein ergebnis, hm, naja... :

You are a big fat bottle of bathtub-brewed Moonshine. Let's just cut to the chase: you're an alcoholic. You might want to get yourself some help, or if you're not into the AA scene, why don't you just hang out with all your friends at the homeless shelter. They seem like nice, smelly guys - just like you!"

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2005-07-28 23:33