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2005-11-09 22:39
meditation on light
Light represents the manifest part of Tao; darkness represents the unmanifest part. Both are divine, but darkness is the seed and light is the flower; darkness is the womb, light is the child.
If you meditate on light, and the more you meditate on light, the more you will be surprised that something inside starts opening, as if a bud is opening and becoming a flower.
Meditation on light is one of the most ancient meditations. In all the ages, in all the countries, in all the religions, it has been emphasized for a particular reason, because the moment you meditate on light, something inside you that has remained a bud starts opening its petals. The very meditation on light creates the space for its opening.
So if you let that be your meditation: whenever you have time, close your eyes, visualize light. Wherever you see light, be in tune with it; just don't go on ignoring it. Be worshipful towards it. It may be a sunrise, it may be just a candle in the room, but be prayerful towards it, and you will gain much.
Great is the benediction if one continues feeling in tune with light.

Bliss always comes from Tao. It cannot be manufactured by us. At the most we can only receive it gracefully; we are to be receivers. We cannot grab it; and the more one wants to grab it, the more it eludes. The deliberate seeker after bliss is going to fail utterly. Each of his efforts will bring more and more frustration. He has taken a wrong step from the very beginning. Bliss has not to be searched for; one has to wait for it. One has to be patient -- expectant but not aggressive.
Tao will increase, Tao will add, Tao will give, if you just prepare the way for tao, if you just are a ready receiver, if you become a womb, if you are feminine.

It is love that makes a man godlike, and it is only love, nothing else can do it. Love is the greatest magic. It transforms the mundane into the sacred; it transforms prose into poetry.
Ordinarily people are living their lives like prisoners, dragging somehow, as if life is a sentence to be suffered. Love transforms it and makes it a song to be sung.
If you think of love, feel more and more, meditate on love and bring love to every act that you do, soon you will be delivered with a key that opens all the locks of existence; but that is possible only when one has learned the way of love. It is not difficult because it is our very nature. We are born to love and to be loved.


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2005-11-09 22:39