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2004-10-05 14:54
Meditation is not a prayer
Meditation is not a prayer. Prayer needs a God: meditation needs no God. Meditation needs only you, ready to explore what is inside you: What is this life? What is this consciousness?
And if the major part of the world becomes meditative, it will release such a great energy of peace, love, compassion.... That is the only possibility of preventing the third world war, because meditators will refuse to fight, meditators will refuse to be violent. It does not matter whether they are American or Russian or Indian, the quality of meditation is the same. It makes you so sensitive that you cannot be destructive.
And if the whole world simply refuses to fight, then if these politicians are so interested in fighting they can have wrestling matches, boxing matches, and meditators will enjoy it tremendously. But the world is not going to be destroyed by these idiots.
The protest marches have been going on -- they don't make any difference. Be peaceful -- not pacifist, but just a deep pool of peace. That is the only possibility of saving humanity.
And if we can avoid the third world war, then many doors open. There is no need of nations... what is the need of nations? It is because of the wars that nations are needed. It is a vicious circle; because of the nations, war is needed. If there is no need of any war, then there is no need of any boundaries.
Then why America? Why Russia? Why India? Why China? This whole earth belongs to us. And if the whole earth becomes one organic whole, poverty can be destroyed very easily. Seventy-five percent of the whole world's energy, income, is going into the service of death, making more and more sophisticated nuclear weapons. If the world is one, all this energy can become creative; all these scientists can change the whole direction of their work, and this seventy-five percent energy and income will become available to people.
There is no need for any Ethiopia -- one thousand people dying every day; there is no need. There is no need for India to remain undernourished. Fifty percent of the people -- and that is a big number, four hundred million people -- are eating only one time a day..
But if the world is one, if war is no longer needed, the whole energy devoted to war can be devoted to getting rid of poverty, can be released for people's comfort, luxury.
Meditation can bring the only revolution there is. All other revolutions have failed.


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2004-10-05 14:54