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2005-05-02 01:02
just play, play with words
If you go to a Hegel or a Kant and say that this is contradictory in your system, immediately they will say no; they will immediately show that it is not contradictory. If you can prove that it is contradictory they will drop one part so their system becomes consistent.

One gambler was saying to another gambler, "Yesterday I met this guy, a wonderful man, a great mathematician and economist. He has discovered a system through which a family can live without money."
The other gambler became interested wanting to know immediately what the system was. He asked, " Does it work?"
The friend replied, "The system is wonderful but there is one loophole - it doesn't work. That's the only loophole; otherwise the system is wonderful."
All systems are wonderful. Those of Hegel, Kant, Marx are all wonderful. The only loophole is this - they are dead.
Taoism has no system. Systems can only be dead, they cannot be alive. Taoism is a nonsystematic, anarchistic flow; not even a religion, just a process.
Just this moment exists, absolutely consistent, for there can be no comparison. There is no past, no future; only this moment is. How can you compare? If you live in this moment there will come a consistency which is not of a system, which is of life, which is of the energy itself. That will be an inner consistency of your very being, not of the mind.
Taoism is interested in the being not in the mind, so don't take taoistic answers very seriously; they are just play, play with words. Enjoy them and forget them; enjoy taoism but don't try to systematize it. The whole effort is useless, and in that effort you miss much that is beautiful; you miss much that can become a deep ecstasy in you.
Don't be bothered about theories and words and don't try to think about it. Taoism is not trying to convince you, taoism is not trying to give you a belief; taoism is not trying to create any religion or sect - no doctrine is implied.
How can your being be inconsistent? There is no gap in it, it is a continuum, but the mind starts thinking, comparing, and then problems arise.


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2005-05-02 01:02