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2004-06-02 22:54
Just a liar

It’s so great to hang out with her anew, just to join time with her!
It’s so great that she wants me to go out with her anew!

It was such a hard week for her - so much happened in the dancing school and she is really, really sad because of some things, but I’m sure she’ll make it. Although she’s crying a lot, I think she’s the strongest person I’ve ever met. Whatever she wants - she has the power to make it.

I’m such a liar! And I’ve got really no idea why! Why am I lying on the most important person? Why am I lying on her even just because of some simple things? She told me, that in the first moment she was really, really mad when I told her that I can’t come to watch her appearance, but than she decided not to be and to forget about the whole thing! Actually, I don’t know why I wasn’t going there! Of course I love to see her dancing, and every time when I see her, I’m so proud of her, and actually I knew that it was a very important appearance because it was her last one together with the other in their old combination.
Maybe, it was just because … I really don’t know. Maybe, because she had never been at one of my theatre appearances of the last four years?! … No, that’s not the point, although I mentioned it to her - but it sounded like both of us were just kidding. But in former times I also did everything just to see her dancing.
She didn’t say it, but I think she was really disappointed - maybe not really disappointed that I wasn’t there, but because of the feeling of … loosing me in some way. But she won’t loose me anyway - cause I’ll love her forever!!




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2004-06-02 22:54