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2006-12-10 04:13
Ian is back!!!
Der Sohn meiner Freundin ist zurück aus der USA.
8 Jahre hat er dort gelebt. Als 12 jähriger ging er und mit
20 kam er jetzt zurück. Er hat mich nicht vergessen, das freut mich unwahrscheinlich. Als kleiner Bub war er sehr oft bei mir, weil
seine mum so krank ist und schon damals wollte er mich immer
heiraten .
Selbst das hat er nicht vergessen!!! Rief mich an und mit halb
englisch - halb deutsch verständigten wir uns. Dann sagte er
auf einmal das er zurück gekommen sei um mich zu heiraten.
Er ist echt crazy der Bengel.
Die halbe Nacht hab ich nun hier gesessen und versucht auf englisch einen passablen Brief zu schreiben. Mal sehn was er zu meinem Werk sagen wird. Ich hoffe, es klappt und er und Petra (
seine Mum) kommen mich im Januar wirkl. besuchen.
Ansonsten muß ich zu sehen, das ich irgendwie an Karneval
nach Köln komme.

So und nun mein Brief an ihn:

Dear Ian,

I’m terribly sorry for not writing to you sooner, but I’ve been really busy ever since I moved. Why don’t you come for a week? I can put you up in the kids room. It’s lovely and peaceful: I do hope you’ll come. Anyway, I hope you’re both well and happy.
I would to be glad if you can make it to come to a visit. I would to depict you Bayern. I’m pleased to see you, it’s nice to see you again. I have often wondered how are you doing? Your not no more the little boy, but you’ re still wet behind the ears. And I will to know what has become to you. When you get to Bayern then we go clubbing all night. If we can survive that, we can survive anything. I dont know anything of you. I dont know what’s your favourite color, dish, drink, subject, pastime, sport and book …
I dont know what you eat if you have Breakfast. You are drink coffee or Tea? You eat any eggs or some bacon or some ???? I mean, what sort of food do you like?
What are you doing these days? I’m still working at home on the telephone.
What about you? You are looking for a job or for a girlfriend? What will you do?
My life’s so dull and uneventful nowadays. I get up at 6 o’ clock every morning. I clean my teeth, take a shower and to awake my son.
We have a bowl of cereal and a cup of milk for breakfast. Then Kevin goes to school and I must clean my apartment. Than beginns my job on the telephone. At thirteen o’clock is time to lunch and than I must learning with Kevin. At the evening I have dinner, look tv or speak with my friends an then I go to bed. At the weekend I go dance.
You’re life wasn’t very unfrugal. You have much sorrow, but you never give up. That’s very good and so you can find your right way. I’m sure you can do what you want if you want what you can do. I am glad you remember to me. You want to get married with me,oh dear I’m too old for you, but I have often remember me on this words of you. It’s hard for me and I still can’t get my head round it that you never been the little, sweet boy.Today you are a young man and I hope you are a lucky young man.
I wish that you know, you ever have a home at my home.

Lots of Love
Your friend Jea



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2006-12-10 04:13