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Thursday, 16. May 2024
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2006-01-17 02:59
I think that...
I think that I shall never see
a guy who's perfect just for me!
A man who's bright and doesn't bore me,
who has the good taste to adore me.
One who'll make my insides tingle,
who is (dare I hope it?) single,
and who, if our lips should lock,
can send my hormones into shock!
A man whose passion doesn't wane
when he finds out I've got a brain,
yet one who'll flatter, charm and flirt
(a lot of money couldn't hurt!).
So if you see my Mr. Right,
feel free to call me day and night!
And if he doesn't come along
--- I'll consider Mr. Wrong!



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2006-01-17 02:59