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2008-03-08 00:06
headlong into a car

Haggarty ran a red light and ploughed headlong into a car driven by Father Cogan. The auto turned over three times and the priest thrown from the vehicle lay stunned beside the road.
Haggarty rushed over and said, "I am terribly sorry, Father!"
"Saints above!" said the shaken priest. "You almost killed me!"
"Here," said Haggarty, "I have got a little sacramental Jack Daniels. Take some and you will feel a lot better!"
Father Cogan took a couple of large swigs and continued his tirade. "What were you thinking about, man? You nearly launched me into eternity!"
"I am sorry, Father," said Haggarty. "Take a few more sips, it will ease your nerves."
After the priest had almost finished the entire bottle, he said, "Why don't you have a drink?"
"No thanks, your reverence," said Haggarty, "I will just sit here and wait for the police!"




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2008-03-08 00:06