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2004-06-04 12:36

Right now, I’m just waiting for her message that she arrived at home well..

It’s really amazing in some way, cause there are days, we don’t have any contact to each other and then from one minute to the other, we’re going out together and have so much fun like we’ve never ever had in former times. Yesterday, and also tonight was so awesome; I just love it to hang out with her. There’s really no greater feeling than to see her happy and to make her laugh.
I know, it sounds corny, but when she’s smiling nothing else matters to me and I really don’t care for anything or anyone else. Then, everything is just perfect.

Alright, actually she’s at home now. - Good night -

Yesterday, we’ve been talking about your future. Our common future. Actually we talked about living together after our return from our trip to Australia. She actually wants to live together with me…
Honestly, I don’t know what to think about the whole thing…
Of course, it’d be like a dream for me, to live with her - she’d be there for me, every single day - all day long. But on the other hand it also scares me in some way. Cause I always thought, that leaving school would be my first active step into my own direction - a direction which doesn’t depend just on her. If I don’t take that chance, it could be probably be my last one. At least the last one I’ll be able to realize.




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2004-06-04 12:36