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2006-02-03 22:30
East has never paid mind any attention
The psychotherapists are afraid even to discover being. There were chances.... Jung traveled long in India, visiting the Taj Mahal, Khajuraho, Konarak, the caves of Ajanta and Ellora -- all beautiful places. And he was told by every person he came across, "Rather than wasting time in visiting these places, you should not miss meeting a man, Raman Maharshi, who lives in South India on the hill Arunachal -- it is not far away -- because he can give you a glimpse. Perhaps in his presence, just sitting by his side or talking to him, you may have some idea of why the East has never paid any attention to mind, and yet has produced the greatest enlightened people, the sanest people possible, with crystal-clear vision."
Raman Maharshi was one of those people, but Jung never went to him. He was afraid; the very idea that there is something beyond mind was very scary. That means the whole of psychoanalysis is meaningless, and he was not ready to take the risk of meeting such a man. He came back from India without visiting Raman.
Jung's fear is the fear of all psychoanalysts -- something beyond the mind makes their whole profession utterly meaningless. And if there is a direct method to reach the being by bypassing the mind, and if the moment you reach the being the mind itself cools down, there is no need of any psychoanalysis. There is no need to convince the insane person that he is wrong. There is no need to go into deep details about his dreams, diaries, and all kinds of nonsense.
Meditation is a direct route to being. It simply bypasses the mind. And once you are centered in your being, the mind, which was jumping up and down pretending to be your master, suddenly becomes submissive; it immediately falls silent, drops all its noise. And a man of being can use the mind just the way you can use any mechanism. But if the mechanism starts using you, that is an ugly state. Man should remember that he is the master of his body and of his mind. Certainly the master must be beyond both. It is so. You can play with psychotherapy and other therapies -- they are just games. If you like those games, no harm. They are better than football, but they are no more than games. And they are not going to give you a new life, they are not going to give you an authentic intelligence, a clarity which can see into every problem without any question of either/or. The man of tao is nothing but the man who functions from his being. People say "We have to decide what is right and what is wrong." Yes, you will have to decide if you live under the impact of the mind -- and none of your decisions is going to prove right. Whatever you choose you will suffer, and you will always look back: "Perhaps the other alternative was better?" The man of tao never chooses, he lives in a choiceless awareness.


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2006-02-03 22:30