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2009-08-06 10:48
Day after day after day...
Time elapses - sometimes more quickly than other times. It's about fun, feelings and all the things on your To-do list.
The longer the list, the least time - naturally, of course.
Every free day runs by like a finger snap and every day of work - vice versa. Naturally, of course.
Since yesterday you are officially accountable for everything, officially in office. It conjures a smile on your face, because power has such an effect on the people. You feel the thrill of energy when people come to you and ask you for work, your help, a decision. It scares you to the bone, because truth is you know nothing about the things you are doing. But you give your best and although the best sometimes isn't enough, it's everything you can do!
The rest, well the rest - you just can aim to make it better the next time.

Despite being totally exhausted you allow him to visit you. Seeing him, chatting with him, also conjures a smile in your face. Things like this should be savoured and they are until sandman gets hold of you and all the efforts in work finally want to get their tribute.
By then everything has been a haze, a composition of feelings, sensations and a kind of clumsiness on both sides, because you still know nothing. There are no words to catch the relation in which you hover - there are simply no words, no words between you.
But words are overrated, crucial are the signs and chemistry.
You touch most indirectly and accidentally, but it's just a charade. Because nothing is indirect or accidentally - you couldn't fool anyone with it, but you can fool yourself - most successfully.
So what does it say? What does it tell? What is the psychological interpretation of such a behaviour? What is the intention?
Shyness or indecision?
A question that still waits for its answer.
(And yeah, maybe the answer is mirrored in the behaviour - indecision and shyness because you are not sure and never will be. But perhaps everything is just a mirror of yourself and him and truth is, you've got a long history and deciding whether it's a good idea to invest again and risk a friendship is a crucial one, that shouldn't be made overnight or in haste.)




02:32 07.08.2009
die meisten chefs wissen oft nur wenig über das, was sie dirigieren und veranlassen, das peter-prinzip, daran gehen firmen zugrunde und hochbezahlte supermanager bringen die finanzwelt und die weltwirtschaft an den rande des zusammenbruchs. selbstkontrolle ist wichtig, meist ist man als chef von ja-sagern umgeben - oder von feindseligen einzelkämpfern, die alles besser wissen und anders machen wollen. es ist nicht leicht, und dafür gibt es ja dann auch höheres schmerzensgeld
ich wünsch' dir alles gute, viel erfolg und
Good luck!
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13:38 06.08.2009
well, as we can't look into the others head, talking about all this thoughts & interpretations still might be the most appropriate way to find answers ... [ein Satz, den ich mir aber auch täglich selbst sagen kann und es trotzdem nicht besser weiß]
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2009-08-06 10:48