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2006-06-03 21:09
but he is crying
Cooperman sold strawberries off his truck out in the suburbs. He knocked on the door of a house: "Wanna buy some strawberries?" "Come around back," answered the pretty young blonde. Cooperman walked to the rear, rang the bell and the woman opened the door. To Cooperman's shock she stood there stark naked, with not a stitch of clothes on. Cooperman started to cry. "What is the matter?" asked the blonde. "Today my wife ran away with my best friend," explained Cooperman. "I lost three thousand dollars on the stock market. And now you are gonna screw me out of my strawberries too!"
Now, only strawberries... but he is crying, afraid that now they are also gone. What have you got with you? Not even strawberries.... And you are so afraid, so apprehensive, so continuously trembling. Nothing to lose! Try taoistic reality too; you will not be a loser. Your reality is just a make-believe; taoistic reality is real. You are in reality only when you are real. When your awareness is real you live in reality; when your awareness is faulty you live in the unreal. And you create it every day, but you don't seem to be aware. What happens when you fall asleep? Why do dreams come when you are asleep? -- your consciousness is lower, very much lower; it almost disappears. Then dreams bubble up. Are you drunk? You take alcohol, and again you are in a dreamworld. Or you take acid, you take LSD or something like that; your consciousness is lowered, you are again in a dreamworld. That's why it happens that LSD may not give you the same experience as it gave to your friend. Somebody may move into heaven, and somebody may move into hell -- because it depends on your mind what type of dream you can create. LSD or any drug can only lower down your consciousness. It simply removes all barriers, it simply helps you to move in a private world -- the world of the dream. And of course when you are on a drug trip things are tremendously beautiful, very psychedelic, very colorful.,. But it depends. If you are a poet and you have lived with trees and flowers and birds, you will have a very beautiful world opening up. But if you are a butcher, then beware; then you will have the world of the butcher -- a nightmare. That's why different people going into drug trips come back with different experiences. Some say it was paradise, and some say it was hell. It depends on you. You create the dream.


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2006-06-03 21:09