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2005-04-22 12:51
A Moment of Silence for Vanishing Sounds
The lifespan of sounds seems to be shrinking, Tom Valentino, president of Valentino Production Music, the nation's oldest sound-effects warehouse, said: "We sent our engineers to Ft. Bragg 25 years ago to record military tanks. All those sounds are now totally historical."

So are old pinball machines, car horns and pull-chain toilet flushes. Even the scratch of chalk on a blackboard is being exiled by the squeak of markers on dry-erase boards.


For most of history, the soundscape rarely changed.

"From the birth of man until the late 1800s, the predominant sounds human beings heard arose from nature," said Rex Julian Beaber, a psychologist and attorney in Century City.

The Industrial Revolution upended all that, unleashing a cacophony of man-made noise. Today, another sonic revolution is underway. Although many observers fear the planet is about to become louder (check your local Dolby surround-sound cinema), Beaber foresees a wave of silence. Modern technologies are turning down the volume of our mechanized society, he says.

So far, the differences are subtle, such as the click of a TV channel knob being muzzled by electronic remote controls. But eventually, when the roar of the internal combustion engine is muted by the whir of electric or fuel-cell motors, "we will return to the world from which we came, one in which the big sounds we hear are from nature," Beaber predicts.

Such a transformation would be stunning, said Diana Deutsch, a UC San Diego psychology professor who studies the perception of sound.


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2005-04-22 12:51