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2006-04-13 17:38
[...:Mike said...:...]

Damit ich es auch richtig wiedergeben kann, was Mike gesagt hat, werde ich es nich übersetzen. Was er sagte, war sehr wichtig für mich.
Er sagte das zu mir, nachdem wir uns lange über Chris unterhalten haben.

"When i look in somebodys eyes, i can see whats the strongest and most-feeled feeling in this person."

Ich: "So do that with me."

"I did it when i looked at you the first time so i don´t have to do it once again."

"Maybe it changed..."

"I know it didn´t change."

"But please do it once again and tell me what you see."

"You know what i´ll see...Maybe you don´t want to hear it."

"Doesn´t matter...tell me."

(Dann sah er mir ganz intensiv in die Augen...)

"What i see in you is sadness. There is only sadness in you. Sadness is the strongest feeling you got and there´s no feeling i see more in you thant sadness."

"I know that there is much sadness in me. But i don´t know why."

"It´s because you are pure-hearted. There are not many people which are pure-heartet like you. That means when you love you love too strong, when you are depressed, you are depressed too much. Everything you feel, you feel it stronger than anyone else."

"But what can i do against it?"

"You can´t do nothing. It´s a blessing and a curse. You just have to be yourself.
And you know, there ist another thing, i saw in you. One that i never saw like this in somebody else. Not that intensive and special."






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2006-04-13 17:38