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Saturday, 18. May 2024

Archiv | 2006-MM-06 23:mm - gedichte

mit Videos
viele gl. Ereignisse
2006-10-06 23:47
She Will Be Loved. Beauty queen of only eighteen, She had some trouble with herself, He was always there to help her, She always belonged to someone else. I drove for miles and miles, And wound up at your door, ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von vice_versa (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-10-06 23:42
Gentle. [pic] Only the gentle can ever be really strong. - James Dean
Vor 18 Jahren - von vice_versa (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-05-06 23:07
Sail away † ...Sail away... † Once upon a time we had a lot to fight for We had a dream, we had a plan Sparks in the air we spread a lot of envie Didn't have to care once upon a time Remember when I swore ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von broken_dream (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-02-06 23:36
Funeral Song † ...Funeral Song... † I dumped you again I don't understand It's happened before Can't take it no more These foolish games Always end up in confusion I'll take you back Just to leave you ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von broken_dream (DE) - Kommentieren

Tags (Time / Wörter)

- 2006
+ 02
+ 05
+ 10
- 06