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Tagebuch tao
2005-10-23 00:54
God is not even a hypothesis
Have you ever heard that in Jaina mythology Krishna is still in hell for teaching that philosophy to Arjuna and creating the greatest war in Indian history? After this war, India could never recover -- it simply broke India's very backbone. In Jaina scriptures, Krishna is suffering in hell. Mahatma Gandhi was again playing the same role. The mask of a saint, the talk of nonviolence, and still the preaching of the Gita. Even the Koran is nonviolent in comparison to the Gita. Even Mohammed is nonviolent compared to Krishna. So Mahatma Gandhi did two things: one, he created a fear in the Mohammedans that this country was going to be ruled by the Hindu religion; secondly, because he was talking about nonviolence, he repressed the whole country's violence. And as the British moved out and the country was divided, all the violence that Mahatma Gandhi had been repressing for forty years exploded. One million people were killed -- and Mahatma Gandhi is responsible for all this.
God is an absolutely nonsensical concept, it has no meaning; it is not even a hypothesis. There is no God in existence; existence is enough unto itself. Tao simply means everybody's ultimate potential. Taoism does not believe in nations. The whole earth is one and the whole humanity is one.
The Western mind has continuously gone on growing. It is capable of understanding an argument, even though it goes against one's ideology. If it is true, if it appeals to one's reason, then the Western mind is ready to drop its ideology and accept the concept. The Indian stopped growing long ago. He stopped with Manu, five thousand years ago. Since then he has not grown -- he is very retarded. Mohammedans cannot think of any possibility beyond the Koran. For them history stopped fourteen hundred years ago. Since then they have just been living posthumously, unnecessarily. Now there is nothing to seek and nothing to search for. But mostly the Indian mind is a closed mind. Hindus don't have that open mind which is ready to drop anything that appears wrong to the reason. It is unfortunate to be born in India.
Jews get more Nobel prizes: they are really intelligent people, and because they had lost their homeland, they dispersed to different countries. Their roots in a particular land became loose and, losing their roots, they became in a certain way very free. The whole twentieth century has been dominated by the Jews. Karl Marx was a Jew -- and more than half of the world was under his impact. Sigmund Freud was a Jew -- and anybody who thinks himself intellectual is bound to be influenced by Sigmund Freud. Albert Einstein was a Jew: Hiroshima and Nagasaki are his creation.


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2005-10-23 00:54