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Sunday, 19. May 2024

Zeitsuche » 58

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viele gl. Ereignisse
Query EventLoader::loadEvents// - Invalid SQL: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS tagtt_event_helper.event_id, tagtt_event_helper.event_year, tagtt_event_helper.event_month, tagtt_event_helper.event_day, tagtt_event_helper.event_hour, tagtt_event_helper.event_minute, tagtt_event_helper.event_lon, tagtt_event_helper.event_lat, tagtt_event_helper.event_typ, tagtt_event_helper.event_access, tagtt_event_helper.event_gtime, tagtt_event_helper.similar_events, tagtt_event_helper.event_video, tagtt_event_helper.view_as_new, tagtt_event_helper.diary, tagtt_event_helper.country_iso, tagtt_event_helper.event_time, (tagtt_event_helper.event_time) AS event_time_raw, (SELECT event_name FROM tagtt_event WHERE tagtt_event.event_id = tagtt_event_helper.event_id) AS event_name, (SELECT event_description FROM tagtt_event WHERE tagtt_event.event_id = tagtt_event_helper.event_id) AS event_description, (SELECT sub_location FROM tagtt_event WHERE tagtt_event.event_id = tagtt_event_helper.event_id) AS sub_location, (SELECT group_name FROM tagtt_groups WHERE tagtt_groups.group_id = tagtt_event_helper.group_id) AS group_name, tagtt_event_helper.group_status, tagtt_event_helper.user_id, tagtt_event_helper.group_id, tagtt_event_helper.num_comments, tagtt_user.user_name, tagtt_user.user_img, tagtt_event_helper.event_summertime, (SELECT user_country_iso FROM tagtt_user WHERE tagtt_user.user_id = tagtt_event_helper.user_id) AS user_country_iso, (SELECT event_address FROM tagtt_event WHERE tagtt_event.event_id = tagtt_event_helper.event_id) AS event_address, (SELECT event_url FROM tagtt_event WHERE tagtt_event.event_id = tagtt_event_helper.event_id) AS event_url, (SELECT event_url_type FROM tagtt_event WHERE tagtt_event.event_id = tagtt_event_helper.event_id) AS event_url_type, (SELECT iso FROM tagtt_iso WHERE tagtt_event_helper.event_timezone = tagtt_iso.id) AS event_timezone, tagtt_event_helper.country_iso AS event_country FROM tagtt_event_helper JOIN tagtt_user ON tagtt_user.user_id = tagtt_event_helper.user_id WHERE (tagtt_event_helper.event_access <= 1) AND (tagtt_event_helper.group_id = 0 OR tagtt_event_helper.group_status IS NULL OR tagtt_event_helper.group_status != 2 ) AND ( (tagtt_event_helper.event_typ & 1) ) AND (group_id NOT IN (201, 100, 225, 226, 104, 270, 251, 254, 253, 255, 116, 115, 204, 119, 129, 246, 144, 147, 148, 151, 169, 182, 191, 200, 231, 202, 203, 205, 209, 224, 238, 213, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 271, 262, 263, 264, 267, 268, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 279, 287, 286, 284, 289, 291, 303, 324)) AND (( 0 ) OR OR (event_year = 58 OR event_month = 58 OR event_day = 58 OR event_hour = 58 OR event_minute = 58)) ORDER BY tagtt_event_helper.event_time DESC LIMIT 0, 10
MySQL Error: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'OR (event_year = 58 OR event_month = 58 OR event_day = 58 OR event_hour = 58...' at line 1