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Tagebuch Bunny_Hop
2009-08-02 13:16
Another week is done, and weak is what you are. You feel your legs, your feet, every damn bone in your entire body which isn't meant to do such hard physical work.
The boxes you have to lift over the day have half the weight you actually bring to the balance. Nonetheless you don't give in, try to give your best, everything you are capable of and each day it seams to be a little bit more. Though the last days have been hard, everything that could go wrong, went wrong - like a jinx just to make life and work a little bit harder.

But on the flipside, there are the little things that make up for the wickedness of everyday life. He writes you regularly and you meet. You go to the movies, out in the world. He don't hides you in his room and keeps everything concerning you a secret. You are who you are and don't have a fictional name or background concerning his friends. So you meet: Once a weak, twice, definitely on every free day you have.
It's like in a relationship, it's more like when being just friends, but than... some things are a question of interpretation.
Reality is - despite the regularity of all your meetings - the whole "thing" is at a stalemate. Nothing moves, goes onto the next level - when there is such a thing - you are stuck.
From day to day you are a little bit more frustrated and from day to day you wonder a little bit more, if - eventually - you are just ordinary friends and not more.
Perhaps there is no next level.
Perhaps the ship has sailed and left his harbour a long time ago. Perhaps everything you feel is just an aftermath of former feelings... which - no argument about this - have been extraordinary. At least they seemed to be.
Perhaps you are just friends? You try to look into you and find the answer to these pressing question.
Truth is, you seek his closeness and vice versa. Truth is, he doesn't care if you reach home or freeze in the middle of the night. Truth is, you don't remember if it has always been that way...
Perhaps he's never been different, never cared?
However, truth is that all the signals he sends aren't clear, but inconclusive.
Possibly like your own...




02:27 03.08.2009
nun denn, dann musst du dir bald klar werden, was du willst, sonst kann es leicht zu spät sein. aber andererseits, wenn du's bist jetzt nicht klar weißt, ist das vielleicht schon die antwort?
Good luck!
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2009-08-02 13:16