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Tagebuch tao
2004-07-25 23:51
Man as man is a frozen thing.
Meeting is the melting of the divisions. Thinking of yourself as man is creating a division. And if you don't drop this division, this category that you have created around you, that 'I am a man', you will not allow Tao to enter in you. You have to be completely free from boundaries, from all boundaries -- the boundary of the Hindu, the boundary of the Christian, the boundary of man, the boundary of richness, poorness, education, uneducation, the boundary of white and black, the boundary of the brahmin and the sudra -- all the boundaries have to be dropped. In that very dropping the eternal enters into your time world. Into your dark night of the soul comes that light, floods that light. And suddenly, you are no more the same. And let me repeat: Tao is also no more the same!
I know you only have a small energy, but an ocean is created by small drops falling, falling, falling... Small rivers flow into the ocean and create the ocean. No single river can create the ocean, but each single river goes on creating it, goes on helping it. Tao is bigger than ever every day, because some water, some river again flows into him, again brings a new life, a new thrill.
Tao is evolving, Tao is hot a static thing. Tao is evolving every moment.
Meeting is the melting of the boundaries, blurring of the divisions, overlapping, overflowing. This is what is called trust or faith or surrender. At absolute zero, absolute surrender, life takes over once more and we are returned to God or to Tao or to DHAMMA, to free-flowing totality. Tao is the free-flowing totality, Tao is not a person.We return to our pure being only when we become a free-floating totality. In this state everything: is okay, right.
A rusting tin can fill us with radical awe as the sunlight catches it...
In Yoga they call it a certain state of NADAM, a certain state of harmony, accord. When man disappears into Tao and man's conflict with Tao disappears, there IS NADAM, there is harmony -- what Heraclitus calls 'the hidden harmony'. NADAM IS homeostatis -- harmony, rhythm. You are out of rhythm, out of tune with Tao, that is your misery.


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2004-07-25 23:51