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Tagebuch tao
2006-08-05 15:21
faithful to the state
This whole society, up to now, has been very violent with the individual. It does not believe in the individual; it is against the individual. It tries in every possible way to destroy you for its own purposes. It needs clerks, it needs stationmasters, deputy-collectors, policemen, magistrates, and it needs soldiers. It does not need human beings.
We have failed, up to now, in creating a society which needs human beings, simple human beings.
The society is interested that you should be more skilful, more productive, and less creative. It wants you to function like a machine, efficiently, but it does not want you to become awakened. It does not want Buddhas and Christs -- Socrates, Pythagoras, and Lao Tzu. No, these people are not needed at all by the society. If sometimes they happen, they don't happen because of the society; they happen in spite of the society.
It is a miracle how a few people have been able sometimes to escape from this great prison. The prison is so great; it is so difficult to escape out of it. And even in escaping from one prison you will enter into another because the whole earth has become a prison. You can become a Mohammedan from a Hindu or you can become a Christian from a Mohammedan or you can become a Hindu from a Christian, but you are simply changing your prison. You can become a German from being an Indian or you can become a Chinese from being an Italian, but you are simply changing prisons -- political, religious, social prisons. Maybe for a few days the new prison would look like freedom -- only because of its newness; otherwise it is not freedom.
Free society is still an idea that has to be materialized. This whole slavery of man depends on conditioning. And conditioning starts even when you are in your mother's womb. Now they have found ways to condition the child in the mother's womb. In Russia they had developed certain kinds of belts which the pregnant woman can wear. Those belts press certain points in the growing child's brain and that pressure will create a robot. He will be born like a machine. He will be always obedient, faithful to the state, faithful to communism, faithful to the communist holy trinity -- or unholy trinity -- Marx, Engels, Lenin.


22:02 10.08.2006

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2006-08-05 15:21