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Tuesday, 07. May 2024

Zeitsuche » mother

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viele gl. Ereignisse
2007-03-31 22:18
Silhouettes † ...Silhouettes... † silhouettes above the cradle hold me down they won't let me go the wrong way my mother taught me all the fables, told me how in the end ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von broken_dream (DE) - Kommentieren
2007-03-16 14:59
Little lies Communication. It´s the first thing we really learn in life. The funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words and really start talking, the harder it becomes to know what to say. Or how to ask for ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von Bunny_Hop (DE) - Kommentieren
2007-02-27 11:24
< I´ll be there for you > So, no one told you life was gonna be this way. Your Job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A. It's like you're always stuck in second gear. And it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von Mystic (DE) - Kommentieren
2007-02-06 12:26
Majority Im waiting, waiting for my slaugther. They want kill me like a dog. Why everyone is watching me. I maked a silly analysis, but I didnt mean it. Eat meat is a sin. Look into my eyes and see what I have ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von Little_black_fool (AT) - Kommentieren
2007-01-26 13:54
< Dear Mr.President > Dear Mr. President Come take a walk with me Let's pretend we're just two people and You're not better than me I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly What do you feel when you see ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von Mystic (DE) - 1 Kommentar
2007-01-19 22:53
dit is doch wat fur dich hey wieos das mache ich doch gar net !!!! alle jungen alle mädchen zieht eure t-shirts aus alle jugen alle mädchen!!! wegen die hab ich da jettzt nen ohrwurm! guck mal kennst du das noch^^ It´s ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von NachtTraum (DE) - Kommentieren
2007-01-03 10:00
Dead Boy's Poem Dead Boy's Poem Born from silence, silence full of it A perfect concert my best friend So much to live for, so much to die for If only my heart had a home Sing what you can`t say Forget what you can`t ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von Sariah (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-12-07 23:44
because there are so many problems A case was put against Osho, that he had hurt the religious feelings of the Hindus. In the court there were many problems. The first was that Osho was asked to take the oath in the name of God or in the ... mehr»
Vor 17 Jahren - von tao (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-10-29 20:36
Devil in a Midnight Mass² † ...Devil in a Midnight Mass... † A devil in a midnight mass, who prayed behind stained glass. A memory of Sunday class, resurrected from the past. I was told that the world wouldn't believe ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von broken_dream (DE) - Kommentieren
2006-10-09 12:53
Dear Mr. President Dear Mr. President .. come take a walk with me.. Let's pretend: We're just two people and you're not better than me I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly What do you feel when you ... mehr»
Vor 18 Jahren - von YourDisaster (DE) - Kommentieren
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