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Sunday, 26. May 2024

Zeitsuche » didn't

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viele gl. Ereignisse
2004-06-02 22:27
Such a sad weekend. But, maybe, the next 21.01.2004 I actually didn’t want to, but I was forced to go over to her when I saw her. It was such a great feeling to be next to her again. >>How are you? - I’m a little bit ill and my weekend ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von Innocent (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-06-02 22:23
Just two seconds 17.01.2004 I was not looking for her for the whole day, yesterday!! - No, honestly that’s not exactly right, because during break I went out - hoping that she had parked her car in front of school. ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von Innocent (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-05-31 12:55
just a few songs (Montag) Dear Friend (Stacie Orrico) Dear Friend, what's on your mind You don’t laugh the way you used to But I've noticed how you cry Dear friend, I feel so helpless I see you sit in silence As you face ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von Diary.Girl (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-01-06 21:56
I want you to... Es gibt soviele schöne Lieder und Texte in denen ich mich wieder erkennen kann! Aber irgendwie kann auch das schönste Lied nichts ändern, an meiner Situation *HEUL*! Didn´t like see you crying! Feeling ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von Letty (DE) - 1 Kommentar
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