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2017-08-25 05:10
New generation of laser pen principle and choice




The principle of laser pen and how to choose

A laser pointer is a tool that USES lasers as instructions.Can indicate the length of the more far, can replace the pointer indicating tools such as, can also be used, such as playing slide PPT for instructions.Use a laser pen, can see light spot in a few metres away, thus the laser pen are commonly used for instruction.

The red laser pen is easier to do, the wavelength of about 600 nanometers, the mature technology, and the mature semiconductor materials.And green laser wavelength is about 530 nanometers, currently the band of the semiconductor laser technology is not very mature, so the price of green laser pointer is expensive, low power.

How to select laser pen:

Light bulb, lens, laser crystal and laser pen power affect the quality of laser beam. Consumers should pay attention to the following points when choosing:

1. Carefully observe the spot in the darker area, and if there is a visible light around the laser point, the lens is not qualified.

2. Observe whether the plaque is a perfect solid dot.

3. If you look closely at the question of whether the laser will be flicked or dimmed, if so, there is a problem with the bulb.

4. If a laser pen with a smaller power (20 milliwatts below), it is necessary to observe whether the brightness of the laser will be dimmed by the light of the laser, if it is to indicate that there is a problem with the circuit or light bulb of the laser pen.

In March 2014, the state administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine issued the "warning and consumption alert on the quality and safety of laser pens and children's laser gun products", which made it clear that the laser pen should not be used as a toy for children. The eyes, skin and clothing should also be avoided when adults use http://www.kitlaser.com/.It also called for "classification" of laser pen, damage degree from low to high followed by: 1, 1 m, 2, 2 m, 3 r, 3 b and 4 classes.It is recommended that consumers should not buy toys with laser shooting function or laser targeting function for children. If they have purchased related products, they should carefully check whether the laser radiation category is one category, and the laser toy recommended for more than 1 class (i.e., less than 0.4 milliwatt output) should be stopped immediately.But reporters found near the school was $60 laser pointer, the English label is: maximum output power is less than 10 mw (milliwatts).



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2017-08-25 05:10