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2016-03-08 02:28
Can you get asthma at 48 years old? Can you get asthma at 48 years old? Yes, you can get asthma at any age. I just was recently diagnosed four months ago with adult onset asthma, and I am 59 yrs. old! I could not breathe, or talk and ... mehr»
Vor 8 Jahren - von healthanswers (IT) - Kommentieren
2016-03-08 02:27
What social effects does asthma have on your body? What social effects does asthma have on your body? Diarrhea (from the Greek διάρροια meaning "flowing through"[2]), also spelled diarrhoea, is the condition of having ... mehr»
Vor 8 Jahren - von healthanswers (IT) - Kommentieren
2016-03-08 02:26
What is food allergy to ice cream called? What is food allergy to ice cream called? Lactose intolerance. Its not really an allergy but an inability to digest lactose (the main sugar in milk), the undigested lactose is consumed by bacteria in ... mehr»
Vor 8 Jahren - von healthanswers (IT) - Kommentieren
2016-03-08 02:25
Would two people with ADHD get along with each other? Would two people with ADHD get along with each other? Yes! How I know this is I have ADHD and I get along with everyone else that has ADHD. They understand each other and get it when one of them goes ... mehr»
Vor 8 Jahren - von healthanswers (IT) - Kommentieren

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