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Monday, 10. June 2024

Archiv | 2004-06-DD hh:48 - liebe

mit Videos
viele gl. Ereignisse
2004-06-23 00:48
Visions It was such a funny but also a kind of embarrassing moment! But it was so, so important for me, because I wanted to say this sentence for weeks now! >>You might meet ‘the love of your life’, down ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von Innocent (DE) - Kommentieren
2004-06-02 22:48
Maybe 02.02.2004 I didn’t talk to her again - till Sunday evening. But it was alright, because I knew that she was very busy because of dancing school and I was busy too. But then Sunday, she called ... mehr»
Vor 20 Jahren - von Innocent (DE) - Kommentieren

Tags (Time / Wörter)

- 2004
- 06
+ 02
+ 23